SERIOUS MOMENT: Anyways, enjoy your last summer "vacation" in high school, class of 2012. Get shit done. We're almost truly adults. This is the time to really focus on your future. If you have ever read "The Turtle" (it's in the book Grapes of Wrath by John Steinbeck), that's how you should be - like the damn turtle. Go at your own pace to reach your destination, regardless of the obstacles and mistakes you make. Be strong. Not everything's gonna go perfectly. You're gonna fuck yourself and others over. Don't be prideful. Apologize. Be ethical. Be strong. We're about to start a new chapter in our life. And you can't read ahead. So finish this one off with a steady mind.

Plus, think of all the shit you get to leave as long as you graduate!
Overly dramatic breakups!

Getting caught sluffing!
Being dragged into bitch drama!
Being asked to prom by a complete douche!
And the food!!!
So, the moral of the story? Graduate and make progress.
Love, Chlobo